How to install phpBB (stepBystep)
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See pictures below in every step for clearer instructions:


Step 1: Go to your http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

       1.1: Click "Databases"

       1.2: create database named: phpbb3

       1.3: Click Create


       Now we are done create database, let's proceed



Step 2: search phpBB installer from




Step 3: Download phpBB latest version 




Step 4 Locate the downloaded phpBB installer. Now, extract the zipped file to your computer.





Step 5: Double click the extracted folder



          Once you've double click the extracted folder, you will see like the picture below. Copy the phpBB3 folder..





Step 6: Go to your localhost server. Here i am using xampp..type C:\xampp\htdocs then enter




Step 7: Paste the phpBB3 folder to your server (hosting). 




Step 8: Type the url http://localhost/phpbb3/ on yout address bar




Step 9: Go to Install Page





Step 10: Click "proceed to next step"





Step 11: You will be navigated to other page.. Scroll down and at the button you will see "Start install" click it




Step 12: Fill up the form. Follow the instructions given

             Database server hostname or DSN:       localhost

             Database name:                                 phpbb3

             Database username: type your username

             Databse password: type your password       


            Click proceed to next step     




Step 13: Test connection Successful. Click "Proceed to next step"




Step 14: Fill up the form and click "Proceed to next step"




Step 15: Check administrator settings. Tests passed. Click "Proceed to next step"




Step 16: Click "Proceed to next step" 




Step 17: Scroll it down and click "Proceed to next step"




Step 18: To finish installing phpBB. Click "Proceed to next step" 




Step 19: You have successfully installed phpBB. Please click "Login"




Step 20: Click "Send statistical information"




Step 21: Click "Go to the ACP start page"




Step 22: Read the warning




Step 23: Delete, Move or Rename the install directory before you use your board. Go to your localhost --> xampp --> htdocs --> phpbb3

   Inside the phpbb3 rename or delete the install directory




Step 24: Now you can go to your board index.




Step 25: Congrats. You are now at your phpBB index